RL217 – Personalized Financial & Investment Planning: Beyond the Numbers
In this episode of the Retirement Lifestyle Show, hosts Adrian Nicholson and Roshan Loungani discuss the importance of personalized planning in financial management. They emphasize the need to look beyond mere numbers and focus on qualitative factors such as risk tolerance, longevity expectations, personal values, and lifestyle outlook. The conversation highlights how these subjective elements can significantly impact financial planning and decision-making, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling experience.
00:00 Introduction to Personalized Planning
01:04 The Importance of Qualitative Factors
06:13 Understanding Attitude Towards Risk
12:19 Longevity Expectations in Planning
24:33 Aligning Values with Financial Goals
28:40 Lifestyle Outlook and Adaptability
For more links and the full show notes keep scrolling down!
Roshan Loungani can be reached at roshan.loungani@aretewealth.com or at 202-536-4468.
Erik Olson can be reached at erik.olson@aretewealth.com or 815-940-4652.
Adrian Nicholson can be reached at adrian.nicholson@aretewealth.com or at 703-915-8905.
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Full Show Notes:
Listen now to learn about Personalized Financial & Investment Planning: Beyond the Numbers.
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